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Listen to your Gut

The state of your health and happiness is a reflection of how you treat yourself. From the foods you eat, how you move, what you think and how you feel.  Your gut impacts it all. 

– Improve your Gut, Improve your Life

As a Women's Health Coach, Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, I help women get to the root of their digestion issues and reach their weightloss goals with ease.  I take a Holistic apporach to empowering women to take back control of their body and life without the overwhelm.

From Chaos to Calm 

As a Women's Health Coach, Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, 

I help others go from Chaos to Calm.

Chaos to Calm Method

6 Month Nutrition and Lifestyle Program with personalized support for Digestion, Hormones, Weightloss and Stress

Get Good Guts Program

4 Week Program focused on Improving Digestion and  Eliminating Bloating

Digestion Specific Meal Plans

Smart Detox

Education based Detoxification Program teaching you how to support natural detoxification

2 Week Detox specific Meal Plans

 5 Day Fat Loss

5 Days to Help Get you Unstuck from your Fatloss Efforts. Understand whats really holding you back

Stress Fat Solutions

Build resilainacecy towards stress to eliminate Stress Fat.  Video lesson plans, meal plans and exercise videos all designed to support women who are stressed. 

The world of  Health and Nutrition can be overwhelming. Let me help uncomplicate it for you. Book a time to connect and I will help get you started with the best plan for your body. 

Hey, I'm Karen

With over 2 decade of expereince in Health and Fitness I have dedicated my life to understanding the Woman's body.   I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Culinary Nutrition Expert, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Fascial Stretch Therapist and Thai Massage practitioner. I specialize in Digestion, Weight loss and Stress Managemnt. I cater to busy women helping them optimize ther digestion and reach their weight loss goals with ease. I am extremly commited to what I do becasue Ive been on the other side.  Dealing with digestion issues, excess weight and felt lost and stuck for years.  My body felt broken and I had no one to turn to.  Now I am  that support for other women who are stuck with their weight loss goals, bloated and exhausted form dieting. I help you understand what your body needs and create a plan to support your body.  Embracing food as healing tools vs restricting it. 

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